
Showing posts from July, 2014

August book selection

Here's the book that got the most votes. It was a close call! WHY WE TOOK THE CAR DESCRIPTION : Mike doesn't get why people think he's boring. Sure, he doesn't have many friends. (OK, zero friends.) And everyone laughs at him when he reads his essays out loud in class. And he's never invited to parties. But one day Tschick, the odd new boy at school, shows up at Mike's house out of the blue. He dares him to go on a road trip with him. No parents, no map, no destination. Will they get hopelessly lost in the middle of nowhere? Probably. Will they meet crazy people and get into serious trouble? Definitely. But will they ever be called boring again? Not a chance.

Suggestions for August book club selection

Hello, everyone. We have a 3 suggestions for books to read for August. July is WILD by Cheryl Strayed, already mentioned here on the site. For anyone wanting to suggest books, I refer you to the guidelines for suggestions HERE . Annette has suggested three books from German authors. The first was Swarm by Frank Schätzing; however, it has over 1,000 pages and since we've had trouble getting readers to complete 350 page books in time for the meetings, I asked her to find others that were shorter. Here are the 2 she suggested (in her words): "The first one, WHY WE TOOK THE CAR , is one of the great bestsellers for many month. I've read it and love it but I'm afraid there is no kindle version in English ." [ it actually is available in English and Kindle! ] DESCRIPTION : Mike doesn't get why people think he's boring. Sure, he doesn't have many friends. (OK, zero friends.) And everyone laughs at him when he reads his essays out loud in class. An